One recurring lesson I've been learning lately about life is the importance of persistence and consistency. To let you in on a little secret- I'm really bad at being persistent. I am an organized, responsible person -- but I just seem to have trouble sticking to things. I have so many ideas that I initiate and dump the second something doesn't work out, and in the end nothing comes out of anything.
During my last trip to Taiwan, I told my art teacher (who will forever be my mentor) about the event company that I tried to start with a friend. We wrote a business proposal, had a website made, put in money, got registered, researched vendors and contacts; the whole nine yards... for about 3 months. Then everything just kinda... dissolved. I blamed it partly on getting a full time job, but to be honest, I just lost motivation and set it aside. After hearing my story, my art teacher said, “I don't understand why you can't bring the same endurance that you have when you deal with your relationships into the things that you are passionate for". And he is right. I have just celebrated my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend, and the guy before him lasted 2 years. Any one of my girls will be able to tell you that my relationships are no flowers and butterflies. I go through some pretty crazy things but am always able to endure, fight, and stick it through. But when it comes to my life, and the things that I want to do- I just seem to give up. I DON'T KNOW WHY THAT IS. Why is abandoning a relationship so out of the question, but abandoning a dream comes so naturally? Does anyone else have this problem?
The internet is a very misleading place. It is easy to feel like so many other people have achieved overnight success, and to want it. Everyone these days is looking for that million dollar idea, to get lucky, or to make fast money. It easy to see a famous blogger and think you can do the same thing. But I've learned that these successes don't come easily and very few of them actually come fast. It took twitter over 2 years to get big (I would have given up at 2 months), and it sure takes a lot of blog posts for anyone to start getting heard. Everyone loves a glorious tale of success, but perhaps what our generation needs is more of those hard working stories that our parents grew up with -- to help us learn that no matter how special you are, hard work is still required. It is easy to abandon an idea when things don't go as planned, but time has proven consistency and perseverance invaluable to the materialization of one's dreams. The picture below is of a graduation present from my art teacher. Essentially it says that it is impossible to take one's learning to the level of art, without a serious element of craziness.

Nobody ever called me a crazy event planner, but I’ve definitely been called a crazy girlfriend. Maybe a little craziness is what it takes. If I can be as persistent with my life 's passion as I am with my relationships, I will eventually earn my success too. Of this, I am sure.

During my last trip to Taiwan, I told my art teacher (who will forever be my mentor) about the event company that I tried to start with a friend. We wrote a business proposal, had a website made, put in money, got registered, researched vendors and contacts; the whole nine yards... for about 3 months. Then everything just kinda... dissolved. I blamed it partly on getting a full time job, but to be honest, I just lost motivation and set it aside. After hearing my story, my art teacher said, “I don't understand why you can't bring the same endurance that you have when you deal with your relationships into the things that you are passionate for". And he is right. I have just celebrated my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend, and the guy before him lasted 2 years. Any one of my girls will be able to tell you that my relationships are no flowers and butterflies. I go through some pretty crazy things but am always able to endure, fight, and stick it through. But when it comes to my life, and the things that I want to do- I just seem to give up. I DON'T KNOW WHY THAT IS. Why is abandoning a relationship so out of the question, but abandoning a dream comes so naturally? Does anyone else have this problem?
The internet is a very misleading place. It is easy to feel like so many other people have achieved overnight success, and to want it. Everyone these days is looking for that million dollar idea, to get lucky, or to make fast money. It easy to see a famous blogger and think you can do the same thing. But I've learned that these successes don't come easily and very few of them actually come fast. It took twitter over 2 years to get big (I would have given up at 2 months), and it sure takes a lot of blog posts for anyone to start getting heard. Everyone loves a glorious tale of success, but perhaps what our generation needs is more of those hard working stories that our parents grew up with -- to help us learn that no matter how special you are, hard work is still required. It is easy to abandon an idea when things don't go as planned, but time has proven consistency and perseverance invaluable to the materialization of one's dreams. The picture below is of a graduation present from my art teacher. Essentially it says that it is impossible to take one's learning to the level of art, without a serious element of craziness.
Nobody ever called me a crazy event planner, but I’ve definitely been called a crazy girlfriend. Maybe a little craziness is what it takes. If I can be as persistent with my life 's passion as I am with my relationships, I will eventually earn my success too. Of this, I am sure.

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