Here and there I'll get a glimpse of people's passion in life and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I think there's something incredibly romantic about one's passion no matter how big or small it may be. Maybe its because it makes me feel like no matter how different everyone is, we all have dreams that we put down in face of reality- and that just brings two people instantly close to each other. Or maybe its because when people talk about their passion, they let their guard down and pause all the shielding pretense.
I was deeply touched the night of the Oscars. Seeing the roomful of people that are connected by their love and dreams. Every thing that night originated from a small vision from all these individuals, and because they came together and worked hard, they were able to accomplish amazing things- pushing their own limits and the world's- making a difference. And for a moment there, those big time Hollywood stars were just the same as you and me.
My friend Megan works for this robot convention, two years in a row now we've visited her there. Its really a very random thing to attend, nothing you would normally associate me with. I'm not a big science person, robots don't particularly excite me. But seeing these teams of high school kids, hundreds of them, all there for the same reason- is incredible. These kids have spent hours upon hours perfecting their robots so that it could perform the assigned task. After months of preparation, their robots get shipped to the arena and they have 2 days before the competition to finish the robot on site. Each morning, you'll see kids faithfully waiting for the doors to be opened so they can tend to their robots. I think about how these kids are probably not the most popular ones at school, how high school can be so cruel and most of them will probably be regarded as geeks, the "weird kid" that's into robots instead of football, the outcast. But here at the arena, they are joined by hundreds of people that are just like them- they are at their Oscars. Megan got into a conversation with one of the groups- and it ended with the kids promising to be at the door at 7 AM the next morning waiting for the arena door to be opened. "We will be here for our robot", they said. Watching these kids doing what they are passionate about, their dedication to the task at hand, young kids taking responsibilty and ownership of their project... is so inspiring. It is my sincere wish that everyone have a robot that they can be there for.
I was deeply touched the night of the Oscars. Seeing the roomful of people that are connected by their love and dreams. Every thing that night originated from a small vision from all these individuals, and because they came together and worked hard, they were able to accomplish amazing things- pushing their own limits and the world's- making a difference. And for a moment there, those big time Hollywood stars were just the same as you and me.
My friend Megan works for this robot convention, two years in a row now we've visited her there. Its really a very random thing to attend, nothing you would normally associate me with. I'm not a big science person, robots don't particularly excite me. But seeing these teams of high school kids, hundreds of them, all there for the same reason- is incredible. These kids have spent hours upon hours perfecting their robots so that it could perform the assigned task. After months of preparation, their robots get shipped to the arena and they have 2 days before the competition to finish the robot on site. Each morning, you'll see kids faithfully waiting for the doors to be opened so they can tend to their robots. I think about how these kids are probably not the most popular ones at school, how high school can be so cruel and most of them will probably be regarded as geeks, the "weird kid" that's into robots instead of football, the outcast. But here at the arena, they are joined by hundreds of people that are just like them- they are at their Oscars. Megan got into a conversation with one of the groups- and it ended with the kids promising to be at the door at 7 AM the next morning waiting for the arena door to be opened. "We will be here for our robot", they said. Watching these kids doing what they are passionate about, their dedication to the task at hand, young kids taking responsibilty and ownership of their project... is so inspiring. It is my sincere wish that everyone have a robot that they can be there for.
This post truly touched my heart. I've read it at least five times to make sure I didn't miss any thing. I believe we all have a robot, but most of them had been abandoned over the years as no one seemed to see the value of our robots. A man without passion is like a doll. It may look pretty being wrapped with all the expensive purchased goodies, but it is lifeless.