America used to be known as a country where 'You can make it if you try' and we hear people throwing this line back and forth, here and there. I'm not sure if it's the 23 year old cynic in me, but that line doesn't seem to hold the same promise it used to.
I never used to be a big fan of the awards show after the red carpet was rolled up, but tonight, after watching the Oscars for the first time in its entirety, I walk away inspired. Our culture is so saturated with movie stars everywhere that it's easy to see them as just that -- big time movie stars. We forget that before they became big time movie stars or directors, they were once people. Normal people. In the awards speeches, we often hear something along the lines of how years ago, they were at home, watching the Oscars, never believing they'd made it. Like Penelope Cruz's acceptance speech, "I grew up in a place called Alcobendas, where this was not a very realistic dream." Yet look at her now. Which makes me wonder, if she could do it, if all the 2009 oscar winners could do it, why couldnt I? Or anyone else? Not particularly become a famous actor, but to make it, to live to one's potential, to do what you're called to do, and receive recognition for it.
When I was carrying Jeremy, I often wondered what he'd do & who he'd become as he grows up. If we could have an African American president in this day & age, then really, the possibilities are endless. All these great men, whether successful or not, all originate from the same place -- their mother's womb. And if some go off to be great authors, actors, presidents, what's to say what Jeremy can or cannot be?
Perhaps this is the dreamer in me speaking & thinking, but I, for one, would like to raise a dreamer.